About Hooke Laboratories

First-class science at competitive prices

Hooke was founded in 2007 by immunologist Suzana Marusic, MD, PhD. Hooke is named after Robert Hooke, F.R.S. (1635-1703), the world's first professional scientist and discoverer of the cell.

The company has three lines of business - we're a full-service pre-clinical CRO specializing in rodent models of inflammation and autoimmune diseases, our product business offers antigens, tissues, and reagents to researchers worldwide, and we offer an extensive array of histology, IHC, and pathology services. Our CRO customers include leading international pharmas, venture-funded biotechs, universities, and small startups. Our product customers are even more diverse, and include university, foundation, and commercial scientists.

We're always interested in offering new products, and running new projects, within our expertise, that will help advance research - contact us to discuss your needs.

Management team

Suzana Marusic pic Suzana Marusic, M.D., Ph.D.
President and CEO

Suzana Marusic directs the company's contract research and reagent products efforts. Before founding Hooke, she headed the Laboratory for Inflammatory Target Validation at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals (now Pfizer) in Cambridge MA, where she led basic research in asthma and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, developed new mouse models of asthma and EAE and led in vivo validation and testing of an array of potential therapeutics. Her expertise includes T cell development, cellular immune responses, mechanisms of peripheral tolerance, and immune-mediated diseases. Prior to joining Wyeth in 1998, Suzana was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Nobel laureate Susumu Tonegawa at MIT and in the lab of Dr Ada Kruisbeek at NIH. She was a visiting scientist at the Max Plank Institute in Tübingen, Germany, and Associate Professor and Head of Lab for Molecular and Cellular Immunology at Institut Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb, Croatia. Dr Marusic is a reviewer for multiple scientific journals and is the author of over 30 papers published in journals including the Journal of Experimental Medicine, Journal of Immunology, and Nature. Click here for Dr. Marusic's full CV (PDF).

Dave Lindbergh pic Dave Lindbergh
Executive Vice President

Dave Lindbergh leads the company's development of laboratory instrumentation systems that will help in vivo scientists with their work. Prior to joining Hooke, Dave was Director of Standardization at Polycom, Inc., where he was active in international telecommunications standardization, including Committee T1, TIA, IETF, ISO/IEC and ITU, where he served as Rapporteur for ITU-T Study Group 16 Question 23 (“Media Coding”), as a principal contributor to ITU-T Recommendations H.223, H.224, H.281, H.460.18, H.460.19 and V.140, as editor for Recs. H.226, H.239, H.241, and H.324, and as chairman of the H.324 Systems Experts, H.264 Requirements, and H.264 Applications groups. Dave also served on the Board of Directors of the International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium (IMTC), as chairman of its Requirements WG and co-chair of its Media Processing and IPR activity groups. He is a co-author of Digital Compression for Multimedia: Principles and Standards (Morgan Kaufmann, 1998), and a contributor to Multimedia Communications (Academic Press, 2001) and the Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications (John Wiley & Sons, 2002). In 2002 he received an IMTC Leadership Award for his contributions to the standardization community. In 1981 Dave founded Lindbergh Systems, maker of OMNITERM data communications software.

Micrographia Flea Detail

Frequently Asked Questions

This covers general business questions. Please see our Learning Center for scientific and technical questions.

General questions

Can you send me Hooke's IRS W-9 form? (link downloads PDF)

Can you provide reporting information about your company?

Where does the name "Hooke" come from?

Can we visit?

Product questions

Do you offer discounts?

Can you provide a price quotation on our product order?

Do you ship internationally?

Contract research questions

What are the steps to get started working with Hooke?

How much lead time do you need on a study?

How much flexibility does Hooke have during the study? Can we have optional endpoints or analysis? Can we make changes while our study is running?

What if we have to cancel or postpone our study at the last minute?

Does Hooke provide a guarantee?

How does Hooke invoice for optional analysis or changes?

Do you have a standard Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (CDA)? (link downloads CDA)

Do you have a standard Master Services Agreement (MSA)? (link downloads MSA)

Does signing the MSA commit us to anything?

General questions

Can you send me Hooke's IRS W-9 form?

Click here to download it (pdf). Our Federal ID number (EIN) is 20-8823140.

Can you provide reporting information about your company?

Hooke Laboratories, LLC is a woman-owned small business according to the definitions of the United States Small Business Administration.

We are a limited liability company organized in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (USA).

Our NAICS codes are 325414, "Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing" and 541380, "Testing Laboratories"

Our SIC codes are 2836, "Biological Products, Except Diagnostic Substances" and 8734, "Testing Laboratories".

Our DUNS number is 944670723.

Our Federal ID number (EIN) is 20-8823140.

Where does the name "Hooke" come from?

Hooke Laboratories is named after Robert Hooke, F.R.S. (1635-1703), the world's first professional scientist and discoverer of the biological cell.

It's pronounced the same as "hook".

Can we visit?

We welcome lab visits from contract research customers. Visits are by appointment only; please contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time.

Product questions

Do you offer discounts?

We offer discounts only for quantity orders to be shipped on a single day. We try hard to be efficient and to offer fair and transparent prices; the prices listed on our web page are the real prices that all customers pay.

Because most of our products have a short shelf life, we prepare each order fresh. We offer discounts when there are real cost savings from a large order - many of our prices drop approximately 20% on the 2nd and succeeding item, and additional discounts apply for larger quantities - but only if they all ship the same day, so we can reduce waste by making larger daily batches and sending fewer packages.

Please see our discount schedule for details.

Can you provide a price quotation on our product order?

Please email with your request. However, product prices are online. See our product page for prices (all customers pay the same prices), and our ordering page for quantity discounts and shipping cost estimates. (Please contact us for contract research quotations.)

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, our products ship to all countries (except those under US or UN embargo). Please see our ordering page for more information.

Contract research questions

What are the steps to get started working with Hooke?

Contact us at for a quotation, with questions, or to setup a teleconference to discuss your project. For a quotation on one of our established models, let us know:

Usually we can get you a detailed quotation within 3 business days. Depending on the complexity of the study, we may need to ask questions about details. Our quotation will include an outline study protocol and pricing for optional analysis. Of course, you can ask for changes.

Together with the quotation, we'll send you our standard Master Service Agreement (MSA) (link downloads MSA) - a legal agreement which defines both of our obligations regarding your projects. Most customers want to have a MSA (some universities prefer to work from a Purchase Order). The MSA needs to be agreed by both your and our legal representatives.

Discussions with CRO customers are always confidential, but we're happy to execute our standard CDA (link downloads CDA) if you need one.

When you're ready to proceed with a study, let us know and we'll schedule it and prepare a project addendum (PA) for your signature, which is the order for us to do the work. At the same time we send you the PA, we'll also send you an invoice for the initial payment on the study (usually 50% of the study price). Bank payment instructions will be on the invoice; we need to receive the initial payment before the start date of your study.

Then you send us your compounds and we run the study.

We'll assign a project manager to be in charge of your study, who will be your main point of contact. The project manager will send you interim results during your study, and let you know if there are any problems or issues.

If you want changes to your study - adding or removing analysis, changing study length, changes to dosing or procedures, etc., let us know ASAP, either before or during your study. We'll inform you of any effect on price (higher or lower), and you can approve the change via email.

Once the study is complete and you have the report or results, we'll send an invoice for the remaining balance, including adjustments if you ordered any changes.

How much lead time do you need on a study?

It depends on our project schedule, but usually we can start in 2 to 4 weeks from commitment, assuming we have an MSA in place and have received your initial payment.

For in vivo models, the minimum is usually 10 days' notice - that is to order the rodents and acclimate them to our facility. This assumes animals are available from the breeder and we have a slot available for your study. Realistically, near the end of the year (our busiest time), the lead time can be up to 6 weeks. We do our best to accommodate customers with tight deadlines.

How much flexibility does Hooke have during the study? Can we have optional endpoints or analysis? Can we make changes while our study is running?

We completely understand the dynamic nature of in vivo studies, and we try to make working with Hooke as comfortable and flexible as working with your own in-house staff.

We need to know about changes in the number of animals (number of groups or group size) as early as possible. Provided the breeder has enough animals, we can change the order up until the day before animals are shipped; usually this is about 10 days before the scheduled start date (animals require time to acclimate to our lab).

We can usually handle changes in dosing frequency or route of administration any time before dosing starts.

You'll receive interim results during your study, so you can make changes as needed - modify dosing, procedures, analysis, etc. We know changes sometimes need to be made in real-time based on early results.

You can cancel any quoted work that we haven't actually done, and you'll see a credit for what we didn't do on your final invoice. Of course, the sooner we know the better (so we can avoid prep work and give you 100% credit), but there's no strict deadline to cancel collections or analyses.

Similarly, we're happy to accept modifications or additions to the planned work. We ask for 5 days' notice to have time to prepare/order materials and schedule staff, but we'll do the best we can to accommodate short-notice requests. Our quotations include pricing for the most commonly requested collections/analyses, to prevent surprises.

What if we have to cancel or postpone our study at the last minute?

Your initial payment is fully refundable until one business day before the rodents for your study are shipped from the breeder - that is the last day we can change the rodent order. We order animals only when you tell us you're ready to proceed.

If you cancel after that, we'll charge you for the animals (and any other expenses toward your project so far); the rest of your payment is still refundable.

If you cancel or shorten your study while it is in process, we'll provide a refund or credit for the work we didn't do.

If you're not sure when your compounds or antibodies will be ready, just give us as much notice as you can. We'll work with you to get things started ASAP.

Does Hooke provide a guarantee?

Of course we can't promise your compounds will work in vivo (that's what we aim to find out), but for models that are fully established in our lab, we will repeat your study at no charge if it doesn't meet the success criteria for that model. For most models, the success criteria are minimum 80% disease incidence in the vehicle treated group, and statistically significant improvement in the positive control group.

We always score blind to treatment and previous scores. Many clients supply blinded compounds for testing.

How does Hooke invoice for optional analysis or late changes?

We'll work with your institution's AP team. Normally we'll provide a quoted price and invoice 50% upfront, due prior to the start of the study (subject to credit approval). The remainder will be invoiced upon completion, together with any changes using the "a la carte" method, per pricing we provide in advance. Changes will be itemized on your final invoice as additional charges or credits (as applicable). Usually this gives you maximum scientific flexibility, but it's dependent on what your AP team will accept.

Do you have a standard Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (CDA)?

Download it here as a Word document.

Do you have a standard Master Services Agreement (MSA)?

Yes, you can download it here as a Word document. This agreement has been used with many customers. (Of course, we are open to reasonable changes.)

Does signing the MSA commit us to anything?

No. The agreement is structured so that you can sign it without committing to a project – each project is covered by a separate Project Addendum (which references a specific quotation).